Thanks to your generous donations and the always excellent effort of the State Archives Microfilm Lab, the first set of shuck images has been digitized, processed, and is now online! This includes the following counties.
Beaufort, Bertie, Burke, Clay, Edgecombe*, Glasgow, Graham, Granville, Greene, Haywood, Martin, Moore, Pitt, Stanley, Stokes*, Swain, and Tyrrell* [* some reels have not yet been digitized]
Please note that the images are not directly link to a grant, but you will be guided to the general area in the digitized microfilm where you can find them, oftentimes right on the mark.
We will be receiving 54 for reels shortly with approximately 60,000 images for Brunswick, Cherokee, Guilford, and Surry.
Since the launch of this project in May, we’ve received donations for digitizing 429 shuck reels in addition to the 152 shuck reels already on the website. That leaves 235 reels remaining. Counties with more than 20 reels needing donations include Ashe (21), Bladen (35), Cumberland (24), and Montgomery (22).
For more information, see
David McCorkle