North Carolina Historical Records Online (NCHRO) is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization dedicated to providing public access to high quality images of original records and other related information useful to researching North Carolina history and genealogy.
Come Hear and Meet Us at the NC Genealogical Society Fall Conference

NC Land Grant Data and Images
This free website contains searchable data for all land grants issued in North Carolina from 1663 to 1960. Associated with these grants are over 1.2 million high quality images of original documents, many not available anywhere else online.
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NC Scans
This free website contains high quality images of original documents of interest to researching NC history and genealogy, such as county court minutes, tax lists, land grants, and even materials held by individuals. Unlike many sites, documents do not need to be part of a larger collection, and images of privately held documents such as diaries are encouraged and accepted. Please contact us if you have document of this type that you would like to share with the public.

NC Land Grant Maps
North Carolina did not maintain maps of land grants, but a number of amateur map makers have created them for some but by no means all of the state. Our plan is to provide a free website showing where to find all these maps, and hopefully have many if not all online this website.
The first step is to find them all, and we are asking you for help. Please click here for more information on how to let us know about maps you are aware of.